
$ROOTS Ecosystem

rasta bonsai


Know your $ROOTS! Every $ROOT stems from a single digITAL tree in bloom.

give roots


Upon harvest, all 420,000,069 $ROOTS are delivered to the Give $ROOTS program from where they will begin their great journey.

roots reserve


$ROOTS are precious artifacts. A small percentage (7.2%) is shipped across the metaverse to ensure their longterm survival.

2.2% to the $ROOTS Reserve

2.4% to the Team Reserve

3.6% to the Musician Reserve

roots airdrop

Community Claim

If you collected any reggae, rasta, or ganja themed NFT collection on mainnet or polygon, you can probably claim some $ROOTS! Snapshots were taken on March 13th and April 7th of the web3 reggae community. 4% of $ROOTS are set aside for holders of these collections. Participants in the discord GanjaField game will receive their claim bonuses according to their game score on the date ???.

block ark market

Block Ark Market

Buying and selling Records on the market come with bonus $ROOTS- the same amount dispensed to the buyer and seller, determined 1:1 by the total eth royalties dispensed to the artist. 16.8% of $ROOTS will be delivered to the market.

contribute liquidity


To instantiate the Liquidity Pool, the LPDistributor contract will be made available. For a predetermined amount of time the contract will be open to the public for accepting ETH. Once the contribution period ends, the contract balance of ETH and 23.6% of $ROOTS is used to create a Liquidity Pool on UniSwap. The LP tokens are then claimable by contributors.

grow roots


The remaining 47.4% of $ROOTS are released by the GrowROOTS contract at a rate of ~1.69 every block. These $ROOTS are claimable by addresses who lock $ROOTS LP tokens for a certain number of blocks.


$ROOTS Whitepaper

Overstand Block Ark Studios and $ROOTS. Read the whitepaper at Block Ark Studios.